
Showing posts from January, 2018


It’s funny because when I started my last blog the words just flowed. I didn’t have to think much about what I was writing I just put fingers to keys and let it happen. I have thought a lot about my first post for this page and I haven’t known where to start. There are so many different aspects of my life now that are all intertwined but somehow separate at the same time. They involve other people’s lives, which makes me mindful of how I write about situations. Some of the topics I want to talk about are ones that some people have very strong opinions on and I needed to make sure I was ready to open that door. Some people will have already formed an opinion on my current life or past behaviour that is conflicting to the truth behind closed doors. Do I even want to go down that path? Do I care enough about these opinions to give them the time of day by writing about them? What do I want to achieve with this blog? So I decided tonight I might just do my introduction and work from th